Human to Human
It’s not about your product.
It’s not about your sales pitch.
It’s not even about how great your “communication skills” are...
In a knowledge business, it’s all about the HUMAN to HUMAN connect.
It’s not B2B or B2C. It’s H2H.
You’ve got to operate from a core of “love” and “service” to humanity.
People can feel that energy.
They can also feel the opposite energy of being “transactional” and “opportunistic”.
You don’t have to say anything. People will just sense it with every piece of content you post out there.
That’s why it’s so important to continuously work on your internal game and keep clearing all that junk from inside.
The junk is usually an accumulation of “conclusions” we have made about either ourselves or how life is.
And the moment we are aware of the flaws in our conclusions, the next step is acceptance.
Only when there’s acceptance, can you really open yourself up to redefining yourself to the next level.
We are human. Not robots. We make mistakes. We are selfish. We want shortcuts.
But the more we get aware, accept and then operate our business from a more of acceptance, abundance, love and service to our tribe... everything will shift.
Hope this made sense to you?
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