Money Blueprint
As a child when I used to see my father, the only image comes to my mind is an abundance flow of money. Every week he used to come home with huge coins and currency. I started believing, “Money is in the abundance in the universe", “it’s easy to make money “. My father has served to many people financially.
On the contrary, I have also seen the dark side of money, the issues caused due to lack of money. I have seen most of the relationship issues used to come because of lack of money. Quarrels used to happen between my parents whenever point comes of giving, property issues, one of the major concerns I had experienced. Since then I made a decision, what so happen, money will never cause of my feedback. I will become so confident in raising money that it will come naturally to me to serve more and more.
Touchwood, I got affected positively by the event happened in my past and been my driving force to create wealth from multiple sources.
This realisation I got after going through a 21 days challenge.
Same i would love to offer you too to come and explore.
I am attaching a link to connect with me to discuss more about it.