My vision for my relationship.

Few lines for my Mr. Right.
It takes huge courage to save any relationship. Try being with man 24/7 whose love you desire.

It’s a relationship where I can be strong and powerful in my life, yet when I look at him, I melt. It’s a relationship where I am free, like I am dancing in the stars because I feel the strength and presence of my man, and know that nothing could ever shake that. It’s a relationship that makes me feel like a giddy girl, where his heart and chest are the place where I can feel the masculine heart of the universe. His body, when it touches me, it is safety, warmth, strength, power, calm, adventure, and allows me to access the entire universe. When my body touches him, it is like a supernova of my essence with the rest of the universe. I like being .,.... feeling the universe.

I like being with you now and forever.
To Connect for one to one session.
Email me... or whats app 9018328862