Oh! Dear human,
I wish I could tell you how good you are,
How pleasant I feel seeing you alive on earth,
Thanks to your mom for giving you birth,
Thanks to the god for keeping you alive, healthy, conscious
Thanks to earth for bearing your weight
But I do feel sorry for you,
It's we who give birth to abdulkalam or osama bill-a-din
It's we who teach lesson of abstract negative feelings
It's we who never teach you to be who you are
For this, I just wanna say,
You are incredible
You are awesome
You came on earth for purpose
You are alive because you meant to do something different
You are surviving because god wants you to be alive
Only thing you need to do,
Stop buying others ears
Focus on yourself
Start doing things what seems difficult for you to do
Do less what you can do naturally
Be more versatile
Accept human who they are
Be non-judgemental
Stay away from negative ambience

You are you,
Biggest truth
Don't spoil
For someone else.